About Cuttyhunk Island

Nestled in the serene beauty of the Massachusetts coast, Cuttyhunk Island stands as a captivating destination for those seeking an idyllic escape. With a rich history dating back centuries, this island offers a unique blend of tranquility and adventure. Visitors can explore the island’s storied past through a link to its history, delving into the tales of its first settlers and the evolution of its charming community. From historic landmarks to vibrant events, Cuttyhunk Island beckons with a diverse array of experiences that cater to every interest. Whether reveling in the breathtaking vistas, partaking in local festivities, or immersing oneself in the island’s natural wonders, there’s something for everyone to discover on this hidden gem of an island. Explore the allure of Cuttyhunk Island’s history, events, and more, and embark on a journey that promises memories to last a lifetime.

Gosnold painting at Cuttyhunk

History of Cuttyhunk

Dive into the captivating journey through the history of Cuttyhunk Island.
